
Christina Maassen.

Flowery, the brand and the website, came about as naturally as flowers bloom in the spring. Christina’s working life has always been in floristry. She owned her own flower shop for many years in Auckland and then worked for various other florist businesses after moving to the sunny north.

Christina's favourite things to paint are of a flowery nature. So, she does designs in oil paint or watercolour and then these images become printed on beautiful gifts and homeware products.

She now works from an art studio by the beach. So, she takes inspiration from this coastal environment.

A passion for art and nature.

Painting is Christina's passion, so to combine her understanding and love of flowers and her joy in putting paint on canvas just seemed right. She has an interest in fashion and an obsession with homewares so to put her own designs on a gifts and homewares range is pure joy for her.

Christina loves to bring fun and colour and “floweriness” (her own made-up word) into people’s homes.

Flowery, the business, is built on a foundation of integrity, fairness, quality products, good service and joy in the art of giving.

Visit ChristinaMAassenArt.co.nz